Early Years

    Growing up as an asthmatic child in rural Sweden during the 60s I was encouraged to engage in quieter activities such as fantasizing, day dreaming and drawing.  I found that nature and creativity took away a sense of loneliness and otherness that pervaded much of my younger life. This remained true even after my asthma and allergies vanished in my teenage years.

 At 18 I was accepted to study art at Mullsjo Folkhogskola, Sweden, where I was introduced to making images in a variety of mediums.  1977 I had my first solo show in the Rydsnas school where my mom was a teacher and managed to sell almost all the pieces exhibited!. I also got a commission to make a large size  fiber arts piece for  the auditorium of  Ostana Skolan in Osterbymo, which  led to  another commission for a Perish hall in Gistad and later I was asked to make an alter piece for Missions kyrkan in Osterbymo. I was 23 when I received a cultural price from that particular region of Sweden.  Being a bit of a gypsy  I was too restless to settle any particular place for long. I spent  a year and a half as an exchange student studying art at Phillips University, Enid, Oklahoma, and  a year living in Stockholm, Sweden working in a high end crafts store  where I also sold my work. When my sublet apartment was burglarized and I received some insurance money I took off for L'ecole des Beaux Art, and L'ecole des Etudiants etranger in  Aix- en Provence, France. Eventually I returned to Sweden in an attempt to grow up and settle down. I felt it would be good to have another profession to fall back on and since I enjoyed writing I enrolled in journalistic studies at Sodra Vatterbygdens Folkhogskola. I got employed as a journalist  at Tranas Posten and  Smalands Tidningen, but the travel bug got a hold of me again and I took a few months off when I got invited to visit Newport, Rhode Island in 1982. Little did I know that 3 months would become more than 30 years! This is where I now live and work. This is home. Over the years I have sold my art to people from many different countries outside of the US. Venezuela, Spain, Italy, UK, Poland, Canada, and Taiwan, to mention a few.  I am a citizen of both Sweden and USA now but feel more like a world citizen.  I guess I will always be  a bit of a Gypsy at heart.



One of my childhood drawings.

One of my childhood drawings.